Monday, August 27, 2007

Little girls

My wife loves to paint, so when some friends of ours mentioned that they wanted to paint their daughter's room, Carri volunteered. Next thing you know she created a beach scene in little Hannah's room, complete with real sand in the paint. Carri wanted me to take a picture of her masterpiece, so I decided it was time for a portrait of Hannah in her awesome bedroom. We didn't want her sister Tiffany to feel left out, so I took one of her as well. Two different bedrooms, two different personalities.

Hannah's South Pacific Wonder Room

Tiffany the Pop Star

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wii Party!

How do you spend time with the friends and family that come out for your wedding and are only in town for a few days? Andy and Esther Yang threw a Wii party. It was alot of fun and a great time to catch up with the friends they hadn't seen since college. Andy and Esther liked the photos so much, they decided to include a section in their wedding album. Here's a two page spread from their album (click on it to enlarge):

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Metal Albums

Metal album covers are pretty amazing. We are able to produce albums with covers made out of metal, wood or any fabric you supply us with. Who will be the first to use their wedding dress as the fabric on their album cover? Why not???!!!