More couples are including video in their wedding plans. The old stereotype of the "cheesy wedding video" is fading away as skilled videographers continue to enter the wedding arena. I can't count how many times I've heard people say, "Wedding videos are cheesy", yet those same people will watch wedding TV shows for hours. If a wedding video is bad, it's usually because it was produced by a friend or relative, not a professional. David and Scott (the Roman Studio videographers) have years of broadcast television experience. No cheese here.
Photography can not capture the sound of your voice as you say your vows, nor the laughter your family shares at the reception. Wouldn't you love the chance to see your parents or grandparents wedding? Most of our parents didn't have video available to them, but now you can capture your event for your children and grandchildren. Video is awesome.
If you have wedding photography booked with us (or not) and would like information on adding video, please
contact us.